TPP in a deeper historical and theoretical context

After years of intense negotiations, the United States and ten other countries have reached an agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP is the largest regional trade agreement in history and it will create the largest free-trade alliance in the world. It will also accelerate a series of economic and political changes that are re-writing the global economic, legal, and political reality. Make no mistake, whether you agree or not, the TPP is another step in the re-creation of trans-national economic and political processes and institutions. In this podcast, Professor Dungey and Walker place the TPP in a deeper historical and theoretical context. This is critical information.


Three Flash points of Religion and Politics in America

In this discussion, Walker and Professor Dungey discuss three flash points between Religion and Politics that sparked this week. First, Kim Davis is back in the news. Second, we discuss Ben Carson's controversial observation that he would not be comfortable with a Muslim President, and we finish with a discussion of Ted Cruz's extraordinary desire to return the question of the legality of gay and lesbian marriage back to the states.  Our discussion unfolds against the backdrop of Boehner's decision on Friday to resign as Speaker of the House. Let the hunger games begin.

Kim Davis and her big misunderstanding of the Constitution

In this episode, Walker and Professor Dungey discuss the current religious, philosophical, and political drama surrounding Kim Davis' assertion that she will obey "God's authority," and resist Federal law and authority. We will examine Davis' view from the perspective of the Theologico-political crisis, Liberal Political theory as a response to the potential social and political conflict that derives from debates about "what God wants," and why this is potentially so dangerous.


Thank You Donald Trump

In the past month, Donald Trump has turned the political world upside down. In the process he has ignited a firestorm around the debate of political correctness and the right to possess and assert one's opinion. In this podcast we examine "The Donald's" opinions and speech from the point of view of J.S. Mill's defense of free thought and speech.


The OxFam Report 1-30-14

The OxFam Report 1-30-14



On January 19, Oxfam, the British Non-Profit Agency that tracks global poverty, released a report that shocked the world: 85 of the wealthiest people in the world own more wealth than 50% of the world's population.  Put another way: 85 individuals own more wealth than 3.5 billion people.  How is this possible? What does it mean? And, where is this leading? In this podcast Walker and Professor Dungey discuss the Oxfam report and put it in the context of our previous podcasts on wealth and Elite influence on public policy. 

Prediction #3 The Rich Should Get More Votes

As 2014 draws to a close Professor Nick Dungey and host Walker Uhl check in on some prediction they made earlier in the year. In this episode we revisit a Podcast on voting in the United States. The episode is “The Rich Should Get More Votes” that aired in April 18th 2014. In the podcast Nick and Walker talk about a Tom Perkins quote about the rich getting more votes. In this podcast we go back and revisit some quantitative data about this quote and what it mean to you.

Prediction #2 Immigration

As 2014 draws to a close Professor Nick Dungey and host Walker Uhl check in on some prediction they made earlier in the year. In this episode we revisit a prediction Nick made about Obama and the U.S. Immigration policy form the  the May 8th 2014 podcast “Executive Power”. Give a listen to how Nick’s analysis of the situation is playing out today. This is the 2st in a 3 part year end wrap-up so stay turned for more.

Prediction #1 Putin

As 2014 draws to a close Professor Nick Dungey and host Walker Uhl check in on some prediction they made earlier in the year. In this episode the DSU gang revisits the March 25th 2014 podcast “Ukraine and the Post-revolutionary society”. Give a listen to how Nick’s analysis of the situation is playing out today. This is the 1st in a 3 part year end wrap-up so stay turned for more.

Executive Power

In this show, Walker and Professor Dungey discuss President Obama's extradorinary challenge to Congress: "I have a pen and I will us it." What can we expect from President Obama's threat to expand Executive Power?  Will the President act on critical economic,social, and legal issues without the authorization of Congress?

The Rich Should Get More Votes

In a recent public interview, Tom Perkins made two extraordinary claims: First, only those who pay taxes should be able to vote. And second, there should be a correlation between the amount of taxes you pay and the number of votes you get.  His comments were received with a combination of outrage and laughter. Outrage because they reject the essential American value of equality, and laughter because no one "in his or her right mind" would ever take it seriously. In this episode, Professor Dungey argues that what Perkins claims is actually taking place, and that it is built into the very logic of modern liberal political and economic theory.  While we at DSU do not advocate Perkin's views, we can identify their operation.

Ukraine and the Post Revolutionary Society

Two years ago, DSU hosted a public discussion titled "The Post-Revolutionary Society." (You can view this discussion on the DSU website).  In this controversial and counter-intuitive discussion, Professor Dungey argues that, for a variety of reasons, we may have transitioned into an economic and historical time where the traditional ideas of revolutions as well their purposes are no longer viable.

Now, given the recent events in Ukraine, we have an opportunity to revisit Professor Dungey's analysis to see if the claims of "The Post-Revolutionary Society" hold.

The Detroit Bankruptcy

In our most recent podcast, Walker and Professor Dungey return to the world of concrete economic and political events. In this episode, we discuss the philosophical and economic reasons for and implications of the single largest municipal bankruptcy in US history. From a political- philosophical point of view, is Detroit's bankruptcy a unique and singular event? Or, is Detroit an example of what is to come?